Unit trusts are like other investments, where performance is determined by the movement of the changing market. To offset the effects of power and uncertainty, unit trust managers often adopt rules to minimize investment risks by widening the spread risk component is diversified portfolio of trust funds to cover a broader range of investment assets and investment patterns. Diversity is sometimes include a mixture of asset classes like stocks, bonds and money market instruments. If there is any decline in specific assets, prices and other asset values to cover the losses.
Should I use the borrowed money from financial institutions to increase the power to invest?
Desirable if the cost of borrowing is low. But it can create problems when the cost of borrowing increased from dividend and bonus received. Unit trusts are synonymous as a long-term savings schemes, thus saving a consistent monthly or quarterly basis is appropriate, even in small amounts; "Little by little, a long time so the hill".
Can explain the use of the purchase price / sales and 'NAV' mentioned in the media.
The price displayed is the price to buy / sell for fund managers to unit holders / investors like you. Thus, the stated purchase price (bid) is the price you use to sell the unit, while the selling price (offer) is the price at which you buy units. Net Asset Value (NAV) is the value of all fund assets less total liabilities of the fund at a time of evaluation, while the NAV per unit is the NAV of the fund, divided by the total number of units in circulation at the time of evaluation. This figure is important as it is used as a guide to determine the purchase price and sale calculated daily by the Manager of the Exchange at the close of business today.
When I want to sell investment units, do I have to wait until the existing investors who want to buy?
Not. Fund managers are those who will buy back your units, in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in the prospectus of a fund.
What should I do if the stock market crashed?
The share price will always be up or down as this is the market norm, but in the medium to long term it will rise. You do not need to do anything, overcome the situation, or if able to add investments when the market appeared stable. As often suggested, unit trust investments for the medium term is / long.
Are Islamic bond funds only in name? I think it is still in cahoots with the laptop "as it gets Coupon yield rate is fixed.
Islamic bonds are fixed income securities category of instruments which refer to loans granted by the purchaser of the bonds to publish it. This concept is similar to the operation of conventional bonds in which the borrower will receive periodic payments plus profit. But the principles used are shariah berlunaskan and we have a range of derivative instruments such as Murabahah "," Subordinated "," BBA-Islamic ',' Bai Inah ',' Bai Al-Dayn, 'Sukuk Istisnaa' and 'Sukuk Ijarah' .
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