Thursday, 21 July 2011

How to Get a Guy to Kiss You: Here's How to Pull It Off

Well the simplest way of knowing if a guy likes you is kissing him, don't you think so? I mean if he kisses you back, you got it, it's over, you got what you wanted. Even if he does not kiss you back - he may need some more time. But how do you pull it off?

How do I pull it off? Do I have to kiss HIM?

You know, we are all under the influence of movies and cartoons and fairytales, and the stereotypical kind of age old task of the MAN is to take initiative and to kiss you... But who cares about that crap?! Life is not a fairytale, and you have to tae faith into your own hands. But this what I am offering is not a way for YOU to kiss him. No, with this, you will just signal him what he needs to do, and most of the time, he will, and then off course, you will KNOW if the guy likes you.

You do not want to rush this. BUT I am very afraid to write this, because YOU seem to do the opposite all the time - hesitate. See, in a developing relationship there are certain barriers which need to be broken. You cannot simply meet a guy and kiss him minutes within meeting him - I mean you can, but that is not gonna work in most cases. I'm afraid that you seem to kind of, linger and stagnate in one step, waiting for your man to take a step forward. So then you start to wonder if this guy actually likes you or not... And this anticipation is KILLING you, right?

Well let me show you how you can make this work

First of all, obviously, you have to hang out solo, to be on "a date", or alone in a social occasion. Spend some time with the guy. SMILE A LOT! Make him feel comfortable.

Please, girl, don't be nervous. He will feel it, and he will become nervous too.

So, smile a lot, remember that, make him feel relaxed in your presence. Now, here is a kind of *secret ingredient* - a thing which I usually used to do when I want to get touchy with someone.

Before you kiss, you have to be comfortable with each other TOUCHING. I really cannot stress how important this is. This is what separates friends from potential partners - the touching. I know, you may be touchy feely with your guy friends, but the vibe, the energy is TOTALLY different.

If you haven't touched yet - Don't Worry

As I sad, don't worry - Here is a simple method which I used to do which always worked. I have big hands for example, so to initiate contact, I always compared my hand to my date's hand size, palm on palm. Just spread your fingers out, and take his hand and put it on your slowly, and gently - remember, make him feel comfortable.

This is a fun thing to do, especially to initiate some physical contact. After this hugging, playful physical teasing, tickling - it will all feel natural and smooth.

Remember this - from touching palms, you can always advance to holding hands! Sneaky huh?

Moments of silence are your friends

Oh yes, remember those "awkward silence" moments, where nobody talks? Don't worry again, it's all natural. Actually this situation, IS THE PERFECT MOMENT FOR THE KISS.

Ok, so how do you pull I off in the end?


1) Look him in the eyes

2) Look at his lips

3) Look at his eyes again + SMILE

4) Move in

And he will also move in and kiss you.

There you go. Sounds possible? Then try it. Let me know WHEN it worked:)

All the Best,


If you want to learn more on how to tell if a guy likes you , you should check out this great site by clicking ---> here

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